All The Best for 2015

Happy New Year people! We hope everyone had a wonderful new year

celebration and we wish you all the best for 2015! As we go forth into the new year, one

can’t help but think about the past. As a result, when we at The Junk Recycler reflect

about this past year, one thing especially comes to mind: you! Yes that’s right, I’m

talking about you, all of you, including all of our customers and everyone we work with

from the donation centers, recycling facilities, transfer stations and everywhere else.

While we are working toward “Saving the planet one load at a time,” we cannot

do it alone. It takes a cooperative and combined effort for real results to be achieved.

That being said, “saving the planet one load at a time” would not be possible without

you. We are so thankful for all of our customers and for your support in our mission.

Additionally, we could not be as successful as we are without the support and help of

everyone we deal with from all of the various donation, recycling, and disposal facilities

that we use. It was and will continue to be a pleasure working with all of you. We are

very excited about the future and are looking forward to many more years to come.

Thank you everyone and we wish you a very happy and healthy new year!


The Junk Recycler