Veterans Day

Veterans Day is coming up on November 11th.  Since the holiday is approaching, I found myself thinking about the meaning and impact of the holiday and decided to look up a bit about the history of the holiday.  I learned something new that I’m guessing some others were not aware of either.  Veterans day, observed by the U.S., evolved from Armistice Day, which also is observed on November 11th along with Remembrance Day.  The Date is November 11th because the latter two holidays also mark the end of World War I, when the armistice went into effect on November 11th 1918.  The U.S. originally observed Armistice Day until it evolved into Veterans

Day that now honors all of those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.  Anyways, just a little fact I thought I would share for those who are interested or were unaware.  The real reason for this blog post is because we at The Junk Recycler wanted to show our utmost thanks and gratitude to all the veterans who were willing to risk their lives for this country’s service.  In honor of the holiday, any and all veterans wishing to use our service will automatically receive a $40 discount on our service.  We can’t thank you enough!
